In some Asian cultures, the carp is regarded as a sacred animal, capable of transforming itself into a dragon. If you’ve ever had one of these feisty fish on your line, I’m sure you’ll heartily concur. Although I enjoy all types of fishing, stalking the wily carp is my preferred pastime. To be equal to the task, I’m always on the lookout for carp fishing tackle to add to my collection. Here’s some information about a great, affordable reel from Wychwood, the Equinox 12K big pit carp reel.
About Big Pit Reels
Big pit reels are well suited to carp fishing because they have been designed to hold a much larger amount of line than conventional reels. For example, a big pit reel generally has nearly three times the capacity of a typical baitrunner reel. A good big pit reel will hold more than 400 metres of 15 pound test line or 380 yards of 16 pound test line. Another feature I like about this reel that it has an extra large M10 aluminium spool that reduces line memory and improves line lay with its special low friction lip. A spare aluminium spool is included with the reel. High quality big pit reels like the Equinox 12K are perfect for long range carp and beach fishing. This reel delivers the line perfectly every time.
Features of the Wychwood Equinox 12K Big Pit Reel
Unlike many reels in its class, the Wychwood Equinox has an exceptionally large number of ball bearings: 13. There’s also a roller bearing drive and a durable machined aluminium handle. The reel sports an elegant wooded torpedo grip. I appreciate the instant anti-reverse and the high speed 5.0:1 retrieve ratio. The one turn front drag has multiple discs and the D-Osc feature ensures perfect line lay by compensating for the non-linear oscillation speed of the spool. Line lay is particularly important to me because I want to avoid the problems associated with uneven line lay, such as shorter distance on casts and a lack of smoothness on drag release when fighting a fish. A uniform oscillation system functions to lay the line flat on the spool and helps the angler avoid these problems. I’ve found the D-Oscsystem on the Equinox to be durable, reliable, simple and compact. Finally, the Equinox has SMS rotor balancing. The Equinox’s smaller body gives it amazing balance, especially when I mate it with a long-range carp rod.
About Wychwood
The product developers at Wychwood all are devoted carp anglers. This means they bring a wealth of experience to the design and manufacturing process. Equinox reels are designed using CAD (computer aided design), Legendary for reliability and durability, Wychwood products are exhaustively field tested to guarantee flawless and optimal performance.
For my money, the Wychwood Equinox 12K big pit reel is a steal at £79.99, but do look for it on special for as little as £56.99. An excellent piece of carp fishing tackle!